Best Practices Guidebook

The guidebook "Post-Disaster Redevelopment Planning: A Guide for Florida Communities" is intended to assist communities developing post-disaster redevelopment plans. It provides best practices for planning and implementation based on research and pilots associated with the initiative led by FloridaCommerce and the Florida Division of Emergency Management.

This addition to the "Post-Disaster Redevelopment Planning: A Guide for Florida Communities" Guidebook, represents the fifth phase of the Statewide Post-Disaster Redevelopment Planning Initiative. The purpose of this Addendum is to augment the best practices guidance related to coastal communities and also consider ways to address potential sea level rise adaptation during the long-term recovery process.

Implementation Training Transcript

This transcript was developed to assist local communities in the long-term maintenance, implementation, and integration of the post-disaster redevelopment plan. It provides advanced tools and best practices to enhance the planning initiative and discusses opportunities to achieve community resilience.

Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery Presentations

The following presentations were made at the American Planning Association's 2013 National Planning Conference. The two-part session introduces the key concepts and lessons outlined in a forthcoming Planning Advisory Service report, Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery: Next Generation. It explores the essential role planners play in disaster recovery and includes key concepts in recovering from natural disasters. Participants can also learn how to tie the goals of a community's long-term recovery plan to other planning processes, examine the pros and cons of pre-disaster versus post-disaster planning, and discover a new tool for recovery planning based on the impacts of a particular disaster.

Case Studies

The case studies for Manatee County, Nassau County, Polk County and Panama City provide summaries and outcomes of the project. They also offer a glimpse of the lessons learned by each community as they worked to create their post-disaster redevelopment plans.


The post-disaster redevelopment plans developed by the six pilot communities are the results of an initiative to prepare communities for the long-term recovery effects caused by disasters. The plans provide successful examples of the planning process and different approaches to post-disaster redevelopment planning.

Other Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plans in Place

Following the lead of the Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plans Pilot Counties, a number of local and county governments across Florida underwent the post-disaster redevelopment planning process and completed a Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plan.


Florida communities are vulnerable to a variety of disasters and, as a result, local governments should be knowledgeable of the various post-disaster funding sources available from local, state, federal, private sector, foundations and non-governmental organizations. Communities should be well-prepared to obtain funding and gain support from these organizations in order to implement a wide variety of post-disaster redevelopment projects. The purpose of the Post-Disaster Redevelopment Planning Funding Resources Handbook is intended to provide recipients with a comprehensive list of funding sources for post-disaster redevelopment.

Planning Initiative Process Documents

The two review documents include extensive reviews of post-disaster redevelopment related materials. One document examines ten existing Florida Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plans or ordinances, in addition to two long-term community recovery plans. The second includes reviews of post-disaster redevelopment literature on lessons learned and recommendations for recovery planning, both before and after a disaster occurs.

Post-Disaster Economic Resiliency

Local economies are often hard hit by disasters. Economic recovery is central to the broader post-disaster recovery process, and preparing economic responses ahead of a disaster can increase a community's ability to respond and recover. Below are resources of interest to those planning for economic recovery.


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